Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy
of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dmitry Chernyshenko: The efforts of science will be concentrated around national projects of technological leadership

In accordance with the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, draft lists of 7 priority areas of scientific and technological development and 28 most important high-tech technologies have been developed. They are expected to be approved by the President at the Council on Science and Education in the coming days. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko at the session Scientific and Technological Vectors of Russia of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF2024). Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov, Governor of the Novgorod Region Andrey Nikitin, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Krasnikov, Rector of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) also spoke during the session Dmitry Livanov and Rostislav Kovalevsky, Director of Innovation at EFKO Management Company JSC. The moderator was Andrei Fursenko, Assistant to the President of Russia. The President has set the task to bring science spending to at least 2% of GDP by 2030. The strategy of scientific and technological development of Russia also assumes a proportional increase in private investment their level by 2035 should not be lower than the state. The Head of State in the new May decree and In his address to the Federal Assembly, he identified a key tool for providing the country with critical high–tech products at least 9 national technical leadership projects. In the near future, the main efforts, including applied science, will be concentrated around them,” the Deputy Prime Minister said. Dmitry Chernyshenko stressed that national projects of technological leadership will be launched in critically important areas, such as means of production and automation, saving the health of citizens, food security, unmanned aircraft systems and others. In particular, this measure will help to prevent dependence on foreign suppliers in the field of machine tool construction and ensure import substitution in the field of software.

The main thing is that we have our own technologies and the ability to scale these technologies very quickly in accordance with the current situation. Having the technology, we can produce new things, make distributed production chains and at any moment, if something goes wrong, promptly restore these chains, the deputy chairman of the Government explained. Separately, the Deputy Prime Minister noted the importance of personnel development, assistance to them in commercialization of developments and self-realization. The services of the domain Science and Innovation will help the researcher to build his work more effectively. A whole range of measures helps to develop the field of science and technology in the regions. Already, 15 worldclass scientific and educational centers have been established in 36 regions. An institute of scientific and technological development managers is being created in the regions, and 20 subjects are participating in the pilot and developing regional STD programs. It is extremely important to keep in focus the issue of providing our guys who are in the zone of a special military operation with everything they need. The president also talked about this. And our task now, without forgetting about strategic directions, is to orient science to instant effects for our priority task to achieve the goals of the SVO, Dmitry Chernyshenko said. The priorities of the national scientific policy became another issue for discussion. When we talk about fundamental and exploratory research, we usually have no priorities. We are conducting research on a broad front, because there is a peculiarity there we cannot accurately predict where we will have a breakthrough. But when we talk about scientific and technological development, then, of course, there must be priorities, according to which the state, together with scientists and high-tech companies, must consolidate their efforts, Gennady Krasnikov said. In the process of determining the key directions of scientific and technological development, the issue of ensuring human health always arises first of all. At the same time, the academician outlined his own position, putting safety first.

The head of the Russian Academy of Sciences said that the priorities of scientific and technological development of the country are being determined in close cooperation with the Academy and scientists. Dmitry Livanov, Rector of MIPT, stressed the importance of demand and motivation for the development of science and technology. According to him, the current demand for scientific discoveries and innovations leads to active investment in research. The most important thing is demand and motivation. Because if new knowledge, new technologies are needed, if they are in demand, then there will be financing and human capital, people will be attracted to this type of activity. We are really experiencing a unique moment when there is a serious request from the state and business to develop new technologies, Dmitry Livanov said. The participants of the section noted the importance of forming orders for new technologies from the state and business, as well as interaction with universities for their development. In this regard, the Rector of MIPT pointed to the new mission of universities in modern conditions. Universities have a completely new task they can now become not only centers of education or research, but also full-fledged participants in economic relations, contributing to economic development through technological exchange with industry. This is an important feature of our time, Dmitry Livanov added.
