Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy
of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Participation of ShICRA ,SB RAS in the All-Russian Festival SCIENCE 0+-

This year Yakutsk became the first central regional place of the All-Russian festival SCIENCE 0+ 2024 – one of the key events of  Decade of Science and Technology in Russia. The festival in the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) took place from September 4 to 7. The program included fascinating lectures, master classes, presentations, exhibitions, screenings of popular science films, excursions, the “Scientists to Schools” campaign and other events. The events took place in the Dohsun sports complex, the historical park “Russia – My History”, and the buildings of NEFU named after. M.K. Ammosov, in the Lena cinema and schools in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Employees of the IKFIA SB RAS conducted three fascinating lectures for students in grades 9-11 of the MAOU “Secondary School No. 39 named after N.I. Sharin” of the Municipal Municipality “City of Yakutsk” of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Scientists of the institute candidates of physical and mathematical sciences Gerasimova S.K., Gololobov A.Yu. and Parnikov S.G. Told schoolchildren about cosmic rays, the ionosphere, and aurorae.

On September 7, the main platform was open at the Dohsun sports complex.i.e. an interactive popular science exhibition  that was  a bright scientific show presented by the SCIENCE  Festival 0+. Within the framework of the exposition  the achievements of SHICRA SB RAS were presented, the operation of scientific equipment was demonstrated, physical experiments, puzzles, and entertaining games were conducted for children of different ages and their parents.

Colleagues of the Institute  Karimov R.R.(Ph.D), Koltovskoy I.I.(Ph.D.) and Ph.D. Bondar E.D.(Ph.D.) and also Gololobov P.Yu., Zverev A.S., Vasilyeva S.A. Gololobova T.D., took part in the work of exhibition.