Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy
of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Seminar of the EAS Laboratory

On Monday, June 19, 2023, at 11:00 in the office. A workshop of the EAS laboratory will be held today. Discussion of reports for publication in the proceedings of the III Summer Scientific School of Young Cosmophysicists, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Yakut integrated installation EAS: Boyakinov A.F.

Assessment of the systematic error in measuring the energy of cosmic rays according to the data of the Yakut installation of wide atmospheric showers Knurenko S.P.

Cherenkov radiation of EAS and its application for the study of cosmic rays in the field of energies 1015-1020 eV Krasilnikov A.D. Dmitry Danilovich Krasilnikov Ksenofontov L.T.

The status of the Yakut integrated installation EAS Matarkin S.V.

Experiments with registration of Cherenkov radiation in the Yakut installation in recent years Mokhnachevskaya V.P.

Cherenkov differential detectors at the Yakutsk integrated EAS installation Muksunov N. Ya.

Energy spectrum and mass composition of ultrahigh energy CL Sleptsov I.E.

Creation of the Yakut installation of SHAL named after D.D. Krasilnikov Sleptsov I.E.

About one of the creators of the Yakut complex installation of EAS, Lenin Prize laureate Nikodim Nikolaevich