Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy
of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

On 10.19.2022. at 15:00 an Aeronomy Workshop will be held

The seminar will be held in the hall of the Scientific Council of the SHICRA SB RAS (Room 200) on 10.19.2022. at 15:00. The purpose of the seminar: discussion of possible joint work between SHICRA SB RAS and the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS (ISTP SB RAS)


1. V.V.Mishin, Yu.Yu. Klibanova, A.V. Mikhalev, Yu.V. Penskikh, R.A. Marchuk. Mid-latitude bursts of PiB/PiC geomagnetic pulsations and auroral emissions during substorm activations during magnetospheric storms.

Speaker: Vladimir Vilenovich Mishin.

2. A.V. Moiseev, V.I. Popov, S.A. Starodubtsev. Contribution of high-latitude ionospheric current systems to the azimuthal and meridional propagation of Pc5 pulsations.

Speaker: Alexey Vladimirovich Moiseev.

3. A.Yu. Gololobov, D.G. Baishev. Optical research within the framework of the PWING project.

Speaker: Artem Yurievich Gololobov.

4. Ievenko I.B., Parnikov S.G. Dynamic Phenomena in the Inner Magnetosphere Based on Aurora and SAR Arc Observations.

Speaker: Igor Borisovich Ievenko.



