Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy
of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

On June 2, 2022 at 11:00 a seminar on aeronomy will be held in the Meeting Hall of the Scientific Council of  SHICRA SB RAS (room 200)


I. B. Ievenko, S.G. Parnikov, A.V. Sokolnikov “Association of the height of SAR arcs with solar activity. Results of observations on the meridian of Yakutsk»

Submission of the article for publication in the thematic issue of the journal “Izvestiya RAS. Physical series”.

Speaker: SNS LOA, Ph.D. I.B. Ievenko, Candidate of Science, Senior Researcher,  Laboratory of Atmospheric Optics

Abstract: It is generally accepted that the height of stable auroral red arcs has an average value of 400-450 km. This paper presents the first results of triangulation measurements of the height of red arcs on the meridian of Yakutsk in 2015-2020. The heights of the lower glow boundary in arcs of 350-370 km near the maximum and 250-290 km during the minimum of solar activity in the 24th cycle have been obtained. The decrease in the height of the red arcs in the years of minimum is due to a significant drop in the density of the upper neutral atmosphere.